Advisory, Capital Raising and Political Risk Management from one partner

Our approach is to help connect the Africa focused portfolios of both the global investor and broad based financial institutions community to selected business opportunities in Africa seeking capital. The form of capital raised ranges from Venture Capital and Private Equity, to structured debt finance including the provision of risk mitigation products to both credit enhance, as well as mitigate applicable exogenous risks present for both investor and borrower.

It is our belief that the traditional providers of finance focus more on highly secured senior debt packages, but it is the more structured and more appropriate finance required, including equity or equity like finance as well as early stage financing, that the traditional markets are not well placed to service. Our team aims to plug that gap by providing advisory services and capital raising services to support clients seeking to raise such capital, in a partnership approach designed to support the companies over the evolution of their business by providing both the bridge to the investor community and financial advice to the company.

It is also our belief that Africa as a continent is underinsured, and there are many risks that are imminently insurable which if in place will pave the way for investment funds to flow into the right projects.  Our approach is to use the DNA that we have intersected from both the insurance and banking industry via our partnerships, to provide the intellectual capital to identify these risks early and ensure we have addressed them before seeking capital from global investors.  We like to think therefore that we have redefined the old adage of “banc assurance” by ensuring capital is “covered”, in advance, hence the name African Alpha Covered Capital.
Our London operation is housed under the Regulatory umbrella of African Alpha Investment Partners (AAIP), an FSA licensed financial service provider, domiciled in the heart of Mayfair, London.  With the majority of the investment community in the financial capital of London just doors away, our close and efficient access to many of the expected capital providers for African Projects ensures efficient and timely interaction in supporting our clients needs.